looking through sunglass lenses with volcano in background showing how polarization reduces glare

The Benefits

  • Glare Elimination
  • Colour Enhancement
  • Eye Health
  • Lens Protection

Glare Elimination

See True

Glare washes out colours, obscures details, and fatigues your eyes. PolarizedPlus2 lenses eliminate 99.9% of glare, allowing you to see the world at its brilliant best. Featuring the industry's most advanced production techniques, our patented processes create an amazing difference you'll see immediately.

Colour Enhancement

Perceive More

Many sunglass lenses simply darken your view, dimming and fading colour for a flat, low-contrast perspective.

Our PolarizedPlus2 lenses enhance the colours your eyes naturally perceive. So you see vibrant, saturated colours with a higher level of contrast and greater depth perception.

Lens Protection

Live Freely

Our sunglasses are meant to be worn, on sunny and cloudy days, on the beach and city streets. They're there to protect your eyes and reveal the world's brilliance, so the last thing we want is for you to worry about them.

Our PolarizedPlus2 lenses incorporate a number of technologies specifically intended to maximize durability and convenience.

Eye Health

Be Well

Just like your skin, your eyes need protection from exposure to the sun's rays. PolarizedPlus2 lenses eliminate 100% of UV radiation and provide protection against a number of additional stresses, helping your eyes stay healthy so you can keep taking in all the world's beauty.

primer plano de lentes de gafas de sol con una escena colorida de la playa del océano con palmeras reflejada

Polarización Hiperprecisa

PolarizedPlus2 ofrece el mayor nivel de eficacia a la hora de bloquear los destellos horizontales. Conocidos como los destellos más comunes, los destellos horizontales son los reflejados desde cualquier superficie plana, lisa o brillante.

gafas de sol sobre rocas rojas que muestran el revestimiento en dos gradientes de las lentes

Espejos De Doble Gradiente

Este recubrimiento contra destellos, el gradiente doble original de Maui Jim, está inspirado en las máscaras para la nieve de los Inuit. Aplicado en las partes superior e inferior de las lentes, el espejo simula el entrecierre de los ojos para reducir la luz más brillante procedente de arriba y abajo, lo que le permite mantener los ojos relajados.

gafas de sol de color negro mate con lentes azules con el cielo reflejado, expuestas encima de piedra

Lentes espejadas de tendencia

Las lentes Blue Hawaii dan un toque moderno a los modelos más vendidos. Ofrecen una imagen nueva, con estilo, aportando el mismo nivel de mejora del color y de la nitidez que las demás lentes Maui Jim. En la superficie externa de nuestras lentes PolarizedPlus2 gris neutro, se aplica un revestimiento azul reflectante que reduce la cantidad de luz que pasa a través, eliminando el resplandor y realzando el color.

brown to blue faded sunglass frame with gray lenses displayed on rope wrapped wood post


MauiGradient was developed as a stylish alternative to the Bi-Gradient mirror. A darker application at the top that gradually gets lighter moving down the lens so the appropriate amount of light is allowed to filter through certain areas.

rocky ocean shore looking through gray polarized lenses

Anti-Reflective Treatment

Just as glare can affect the view in front of you, "bounce-back" glare from behind can cause the eyes to strain and impact your view of the world. This patented, essential treatment blocks reflected light and glare from behind.

looking through sunglasses at park with trees and buildings in the distance

A Patented, Proprietary Formula

We infuse our lenses with a patented blend of three rare Earth elements to enhance red, green and blue light waves. These elements increase and balance the saturation of colours we need to see and filter out the colours we cannot see.

looking through rose lens showing how polarization reduces glare

UV Elimination

Our lenses block 100% of all harmful UV rays, protecting your eyes from damage and long-term health risks. Sunglasses that do not provide UV protection can actually cause more damage because they shade the eye, allowing for more UV rays to enter the pupil.

sunglasses displayed on top of green palm leaf and orange flower

Skin Cancer Prevention

Our sunglasses have earned the Skin Cancer Foundation Seal of Recommendation as an effective UV filter for the eyes and surrounding skin. The frames also play a role, so larger frames and wraparound styles should be considered for outdoor activities.

sunglasses with palm tree reflection in lens and green palm leaf background

Eye Comfort & Strength

By eliminating 99.9% of glare and reducing the impact of the sun’s brightness, our lenses allow your eyes to stay relaxed. Without the need to squint and strain, you can avoid eye fatigue, wrinkles around the eyes, and even headaches.

2 paia di occhiali da sole mostrati su una roccia con riflessi di cielo sulle lenti

Protezione Luce Blu

La luce visibile ad alta energia (HEV), nota anche come luce blu, ha onde di energia inferiore rispetto agli UV, tuttavia una recente ricerca ha dimostrato che possono penetrare in profondità negli occhi e causare danni di tipo cumulativo. La tecnologia brevettata delle nostre lenti, realizzate con una miscela di terre rare, offre una riduzione altamente efficace della HEV, senza rinunciare ai bellissimi colori del mondo.

occhiali da sole con montatura tartaruga mostrati sull'erba

Resistenza Ai Graffi

I nostri occhiali offrono una elevata resistenza ai graffi. Il nostro trattamento esclusivo Clearshell® applicato su ambo le superfici delle lenti Mauipure®, Mauievolution® e Policarbonato, aumenta la resistenza meccanica e le prestazioni a lungo termine.

crystal frame sunglasses with blue lenses displayed on wet rubber textured surface

Water & Oil Proof

We utilize proprietary lens coating treatments to make life a little easier. The waterproof component helps to shed water and snow. The oleophobic component repels grease and makes smudges and fingerprints easier to wipe away on both the front and back of the lens.